I like the smell of books. New books smell like excitement, fresh knowledge. Old books replace that smell with one of either wisdom or mothballs. I can't tell which.
2) Who would win in a fight: Neil Patrick Harris or Darren Criss?
Neil Patrick Harris. He has a death ray, can pick up the ladies, and is adorable.
Although Darren Criss plays guitar and sings, he cannot match NPH's prowess. Then again, DC does have magic.
I HAVE AN IDEA! I can ship them, right? Okay, great. They will suddenly realize that they love each other and collapse into a sweaty heap of limbs. DC will be on top.
3) Tell us a nerdy joke.
I have many, many, many of those.
Helium walks into a bar. "We don't serve noble gases here," sneers the bartender. Unconcerned, He doesn't react.
A Higgs Boson particle walks into a church. The priest tells him to leave. "You can't be here! They call you the God particle! That's sacrilegious!" Higgs Boson replies, "but without Higgs Boson, how can there be mass?"
4) Describe a situation in which socks and sandals would be acceptable footwear.
I may have worn them hiking before. I couldn't find any closed-toe shoes and needed to cover my feet, so I figured that if my socks were awesome enough people would forget about the sandals. It didn't work.
They might be acceptable on Sheldon Cooper. Yes, they would be acceptable on Sheldon Cooper. Definitely.
5) How will you ever get out of this labyrinth?
I like puzzles, the suffering's worth it. I'll stay here all day.
6) What food would you like to have growing on a tree in your backyard?
Cabbages which turn into anything you wish them to be. Is it strange that that makes more sense to me than the idea of cabbages growing on trees?
7) Compose a poem describing the nature of a stubbed toe at 3 AM.
A form of poem of my own invention:
Oh no!
I stubbed my toe!
This isn't fun, I have to go!
OH CRAP I CAN'T WALK BECAUSE MY TOE HURTS TOO MUCH. I woke up the dog, too. He's barking now.
Oh no, stubbed toe.
A haiku:
a toe meets staircase
and a staircase meets a toe
staircase has more fun
I thought that the Helvetica was a nice touch.
8) What is a quark?
You mean a fundamental constituent of matter observed in 1968 through deep elastic scatter? If you don't know what a quark is, it don't matter, you've still got 'em. Oh,
strange charm.
It's also
a type of cheese.
9) What is the best way to eat an Oreo?
Eat the first one by biting right in. After that, divide all remaining Oreos to be eaten into an icing pile and a cookie pile. Eat 90% of icing, then all of the cookies but one, then the remaining 10% of icing, then drink a glass of milk, then eat the last cookie.
I think about this too much.
10) Feelings about Kony 2012?
These two articles sum it up pretty well.
I won't throw my money at Invisible Children but the documentary was compelling and awareness is a good thing. It needs to be about Joseph Kony, not Kony 2012, though.
11) What would you do with a superpower that allowed you to use your toes as fingers?
I already use my toes as fingers. I'd love to develop the ability to play guitar or piano with them, though. I could do duets with myself. That would be really cool.
I think that I need to sleep now. Good night.
I'll make up the questions and tag people in the morning.
P.S. I think that the quality of this post is unparalleled, no?